Our products
Background_CORE CORE core-icon-3

Verify a list of emails

Tap into the power of our services with quick, self-serve list checking.

Use CORE to add value to your data. When you know the good and bad email addresses on your list you will save time, improve marketing results and reduce bounced emails.

Background_MORE MORE more-icon

Verify emails via API

Explore a universe of email validation with our comprehensive API.

Check email addresses quickly and analyse 74 data points about every one. Use MORE to add value to your data and enhance your business performance.

Background_ASSESS ASSESS assess-icon

Detect fraud risks

Put sign-up data and email address intelligence at the centre of fraud detection.

ASSESS is a scalable solution for screening accounts at the first point of contact. Automate preventative action and reduce your exposure to fraud.


Pioneers in email verification since 2009


More secure

As the first email verification provider to be ISO 27001 certified, we're happy to demonstrate our security credentials and never share or sell our data.


More agile

Whether you need to verify a single email list or use our API in business-critical systems, we provide fast, accurate services that your business can depend on.


More powerful

Our solution checks up to 74 data points about every email for 98% accuracy. It's also built to handle high volumes of data consistently, with 99.99% uptime.

Free trial sign up

Try our service for free. Register today for 100 free email validations. No credit card details needed to create your account.


What does email verification do?

Live hard bounces

Receiving live hard bounce results


Find out more about email verification

Impact Of Disposable Email Addresses To Your Marketing
10 Effective Ways to Detect Phishing Emails
10 Important Benefits of Email Marketing