
What is the INSIGHT email verification API?

INSIGHT is a powerful email validation API tailored for data controllers managing large-scale and complex email datasets. This advanced tool incorporates sophisticated detection technologies, infrastructure insights, and strategic data analysis features. 

Designed to enhance data integrity and email deliverability, INSIGHT ensures email campaigns are not only compliant but also highly effective.


What can I use the INSIGHT email verification API for?

Email Hippo Icons (16)

Pinpoint high-value audiences by leveraging disposition data and consumer/business scoring to power ultra-targeted, data-driven marketing campaigns.

Email Hippo Icons (17)

To automatically clean your marketing database, freeing up time for you to focus on the more strategic elements of your campaigns.

Email Hippo Icons (18)

To clean your CRM data automatically, ridding your system of any bad apples within your email lists.

About the INSIGHT email verification API

Our API data enrichment solution, INSIGHT, provides powerful analysis and segmentation capabilities for your customer data. While our MORE product is designed for real-time email verification on sign-up forms and CRMs, INSIGHT takes things further by enabling deep insights into your existing data.

INSIGHT performs a comprehensive analysis on each of the email addresses in your customer databases, allowing you to segment your audience, identify valuable customer segments, and make informed, data-driven decisions. Whether you're a data provider, marketing agency, or enterprise looking to unlock the full potential of your data, INSIGHT delivers the advanced email address verification you need.


INSIGHT Product Plans

Edition 1

Best for ease of use

  • Verify up to 2.5 million emails per month
  • Monthly, quarterly or annual subscription
  • From $12.50 per month


Best for scale

  • Agreed contract duration and payment terms

  • Contact us for pricing

Pricing Calculator


Please note GBP and Euro prices are indicative - the actual amount billed will be in US dollars.

INSIGHT email verification API features

Email address validation
  • Syntax check
  • DNS record check
  • MX record check
  • SMTP check
  • Enhanced checks
  • Subaddressing check
  • Gibberish check (Enhanced)
  • Profanity check (Enhanced)
  • Role check

Infrastructure analysis
  • Disposable email address check
  • Greylisting check
  • Antispam system check
  • Catch all mail server check
  • Dark Web association check
  • Mail server location
  • Infrastructure identification (Enhanced)

Domain analysis
  • Domain check

  • Consumer or Business

Why Choose the Email Hippo INSIGHT API?

99.99% uptime

99.99% uptime

All email address data is processed on secure cloud servers in the UK, with a guaranteed uptime of more than 99.99%. This ensures our services are available whenever you need them.


Thoughtful versioning

All endpoints are ‘versioned’ to allow the release of new functionality without the need for you to break or change if you need to integrate with legacy endpoints.

API integration

Simple integration

Integration is so quick and easy - see technical resources for code samples to find out just how simple it is.

Quick response

Quick response times

Every query response includes stopwatch data, which displays the time taken to execute the request. Typically, queries are answered in 0.5 seconds.

Email Hippo Icons (12)

Unrivalled performance

We have strategic data centres in the UK, global network delivery optimisation, cloud-based auto-scaling and aggressive catching, we deliver outstanding performance.

Email Hippo Icons (13)


Email Hippo is a trusted email verification services provider for global enterprise clients. We pride ourselves on the security of our systems and monitor, audit and improve them regularly to make sure your data is secure at all times.

Ready to get started with INSIGHT?

Sign up for a free trial now and validate your first 100 email addresses.


Looking for help with integrations?

If you’d like more information about our integrations, or would like to discuss an integration solution not covered here, get in touch with us today.

Alternatively, you can check out our integrations page for more details. 
